Fish scale art

What is fish scale art?

Fish scale art is an art practice that uses the scales from whitefish to make beautiful one of a kind artwork. Each scale is unique so each piece of art is unique! 

Where did I learn?

My mother learnt fishscale art when she was pregnant with me (which is why I think I love it so much!). She was taking a course in Grouard Alberta where she learnt fish scale art, as well as other forms of Cree artistry such as moccasin making and traditional hide tanning. Fishscale art was created as a way to use materials that would have otherwise been thrown away, and then the  into something beautiful. It is typically a common practice amongst Indigenous communities to use all parts of an animal for things such as food, tools, etc. Creating artwork from the fish scales is in line with that belief.

Below is a photo of me harvesting fish scales. My uncle Larry taught me how to filet and scale white fish.


How to prepare the fish scales & create art!

Once the white fish are caught and the scales are removed, they are cleaned then dyed the desired colour. Below is a before and after photo of the scales cleaned. Cleaning them is quite an extensive process!

I use clothing dye for this step. Once the scales are completely dry, they are ready to be used. The scales are then attached to the surface one at a time using a lacquer.

Each fish scale can measure up to 0.5 inches (1.2 cm). Because of the size and way to attach them, you can imagine how this an art practice that requires patience. Similarly to beading- fish scale art is very intentional. Each fish scale is carefully and mindfully put into place.

The most common design to create with the scales are flowers. The natural shape of the scales seem like they were made to be turned into beautiful flowers!

Now you have a basic idea of fish scale art and how it’s created. Please reach out to me via email or on my social media if you have any questions or comments! View fishscale art, beadwork & more for sale in my shop!

Want to learn more? Catch me teaching fish scale art with Brent and Daniel from The Windy City's Finest. 

Click here to watch the episode